I’ve seen a carpenter ant or two in my kitchen this past month and I’m thinking I might have a problem. Last year we only saw a few each month but now it’s as many as a few each day. I have no idea where they’re coming from or where the nest might be located. How should I treat this problem?
Knowing where the carpenter ant nest is located usually helps a lot when treating a local carpenter ant infestation. At this point I can’t say that you have a nest inside the home or not. But if you are seeing as many as you state, chances are high that you do have a nest on the premises. I suggest two things.
First, apply some of the Carpenter Ant Gel we have listed in our Carpenter Ant article. Any ants foraging into the home will surely find the offering, feed and die. If some make it back to the nest, you’ll probably kill the nest too. This would be ideal.
Second, to make sure you don’t keep getting new ants foraging on the home, apply some Suspend to the outside perimeter of the building. Apply the product with a good Pump Sprayer to insure you get a barrier in place to stop foraging ants. Use this material every 2-3 months during the spring, summer and fall and you should be able to keep the ants outside and out of your house.