I live in Tampa Bay ,Fl. I have a ton of Carpenter Ants in our attic. It is a very difficult area to get to. In fact I don’t know how. Nearest place I can get to the nesting area is 15/20 feet. Are you able to help/suggest any solutions. I am thinking of drilling a small hole in the atic area and some how spraying some powder. Thanks.
If you read through our CARPENTER ANT CONTROL article, you’ll learn the DRIONE DUST must be applied directly into the nest to be effective. Based on how the limited access you have, I’m not sure you’ll be able to deliver enough of it where it will really matter. And if you only end up getting the dust over the wood where they’re living, the ants will simply avoid the area and survive fine. True, you could opt to drill through the ceiling of the room below the area you believe they are nesting. But if you don’t get the nest dead on center, the chance of them scattering around, regrouping and getting established elsewhere will be high. In the end, if this happens it will be a lot harder than it is now to get rid of them. I’m afraid this risk is certainly real and for this reason I think another approach might be better suited.
In this situation, I’d recommend one of the other products we have listed. For example, since you know there is an ant problem, it means you must be seeing them active either on or in the home. If they’re in the home, you could opt to apply some CARPENTER ANT GEL along their trails where you see them. Alternatively you could opt to spray PHANTOM throughout the home. This slow working active works because it’s not detectable by ants so they won’t know it’s been applied. After walking on treated surfaces for a few days, they will no doubt bring some back to the nest which will then get distributed to others in the nest. Before they know what happened, the nest will be killed as the product finally kicks in and begins to take effect. This will usually be 4-7 days following initial exposures.
Phantom can also be used outside on the home which is a good place to keep treating throughout the year to keep all perimeter pests at bay. Remember, preventive maintenace goes a long way at stopping major infestations from ever getting established so don’t forget to stay on the top of the treating so this doesn’t happen again.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Carpenter Ant Control: https://www.carpenterants.com/carpenter-ant-control
Drione Dust: http://www.bugspray.com/catalog/products/page91.html
Carpenter Ant Gel: http://www.bugspray.com/catalog/products/page560.html
Phantom: http://www.bugspray.com/item/phantom_insecticide.html
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