Over the last two weeks My laundry room has been infested with carpenter ants, they are very slow moving and sometimes just going around in circles and then they die, they have been centered around the furnace and water heater. The dead ones just stay there (not collected by live ones as I have seen in the past) but then more live ones appear following the same pattern. We have always had them in our house to differing degrees and have treated them with barrier sprays etc, but we have found them mainly in the kitchen and bathrooms and have never had this problem of them dying “enmass” in previous years. Please advise.
It would appear that one of your satellite carpenter ant nests has fallen victim to either a previous treatment or social disease. This commonly happens and is one of the reasons carpenter ants will have a main nest surrounded by 2-4 satellites. This way a component nest can die and the community will survive and resurrect itself through the effort of it’s surviving satellites.
I’m not sure what you’ve been applying but based on what you’re finding, it’s obvious you need to do more. For starters I suggest you get some PHANTOM AEROSOL and treat as much of the area around the furnace as possible. I also suggest you start using some PHANTOM EC outside. As explained on it’s product page, this unique active will slowly “kick in” and when it does, all the ants that have come in contact with it will die. This is very different from how many concentrates work and in fact, why most fail as a general way to control carpenter ants. Our article covers many options but based on your situation, I believe the Phantom is the way to go for now. Because of it’s mode of action, any ants that forage over it will die and in you situation, this will surely happen. Ultimately you’ll stand a much better chance at winning the war against this pest.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Phantom Aerosol: http://www.bugspraycart.com/insecticide/aerosol/pt-phantom-17-5oz
Phantom Concentrate: http://www.bugspraycart.com/insecticide/liquid/phantom-21-oz
Carpenter Ant Control: https://www.carpenterants.com/carpenter-ant-control
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